Address known Failure modes. Improve Reliability.

Deliver Performance.

Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Failure Mode, Effect, and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) are widely accepted methods to determine and document the relevant failures modes of an asset or system. Understanding the modes of failure, the effect they have on the system, and, for a FMECA, the likelihood and criticality of those failure modes, are key to be able to identify areas for reliability improvement and/or assess areas of risk.


Are you experiencing any of these problems?

  • Difficulty in identifying the failure modes and mechanisms that compromise performance
  • Unclear on what failure modes to target to improve reliability
  • Trouble identifying where to target reliability improvement
  • No connection between maintenance tasks and the failure modes they are looking to address

READ ARTICLE: 3 Steps to a better FMEA

ARMS Reliability has extensive experience in the application of both FMEA and FMECA methodologies. FMEAs and FMECAs form the basis on many reliability improvement or assessment initiatives from assessing equipment or system design, through to determining optimal maintenance tasks.

How ARMS Reliability Helps

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Justified maintenance task selection

The FMECA-based RCM process ensures that each and every maintenance task, forming the maintenance plan, is technically feasible and worth doing.

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Documented connection between failure modes and tasks

The FMECA-based process ensures that each task is specifically designed to address the documented failures modes of the asset being analyzed.

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Determine and address failure modes and risks

Clearly identify the failure modes of an asset, and the effect of failure in the event of occurrence. Risk is quantified using the likelihood of failure of the failure mode. By ranking the highest risks, appropriate tasks can be implemented to address high risks that may not have occurred yet.

Questions? We'll put you on the right path.

Ask about our FMEA / FMECA services and supporting technical solutions. We are ready to help.

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