Find the root causes. Implement effective solutions.

Solve recurring problems.

Root Cause Analysis (RCA), done correctly, identifies cause and effect relationships for a defined problem, event or incident. Effective causal identification is critical to support the generation of effective solutions. The ability to prevent problems from recurring delivers ongoing value through continuous improvement to the organization.

Are you experiencing any of these problems?

  • Spending more time reporting problems than solving them
  • The solutions you implement don’t appear to work
  • You implement the same solutions over and over again
  • Problem-solving seems opinion based, not fact-based


How ARMS Reliability Helps

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Solve recurring problems

Our approach and Cordant™ Root Cause  Analysis methodology ensures that in every investigation, we establish the cause and effect relationships, collect evidence and generate effective solutions that will prevent the recurrence of problems.

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Embed an effective RCA program

Using our structured facilitative approach to program development ensures effective implementation, uptake and alignment of the RCA program to your organization.

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Fast implementation

We can establish quick wins with a RCA program through initial implementation assistance and on going support, including technical solutions as required, education and awareness sessions and initial investigation support.

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Hands on facilitation support

Our external facilitators can add efficiency and value to particularly large or complex investigations. Our experienced hand enables a structured, evidence-based, analysis leading to the best solutions.

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Program audit

Regular program success audits are key to ensure your program remains healthy, continues to address appropriate problems, effective solutions are being generated and implemented and performance is improving.

Would you like to learn more?

Visit our Cordant™ Root Cause Analysis methodology website for more information about our Root Cause Analysis training, software, and services.

Visit Website

The solutions, delivered by ARMS Reliability, provided the structure and framework that helped me hone, and perfect my critical thinking and problem solving skills, taking my effectiveness to the next level.

Jennifer MacKay, RCA Technical Principal
The Boeing Company